


An illustration of Coy standing, smoking a cigarillo, and pointing his gun at the viewer. It is sundown and his face is splattered with blood. The image has a warm hue.

Artist credit: @Deerdez

An illustration of Coy standing, smoking a cigarillo, and pointing his gun at the viewer. It is sundown and his face is splattered with blood. The image is tinted a cool hue.

Artist credit: @Deerdez

An illustration of Coy standing in front of the silhouette of a western desert town angling his gun toward the viewer and smoking a cigar.

Artist credit: @Jesscapade

An illustration of Coy with his back to the viewer, looking over his shoulder with a gun pointed upwards, with an abstract background.

Artist credit: @Meow_Moment

A photo of a person in a Coy cosplay. They are wearing a homemade wolf mask, a bandana around their neck, and a loose-fitting cowboy shirt. Their hand is curled under their cheek and their nails are decorated with black and blood-splattered press-ons.

Artist credit: @kittydeathcult

A photo of a homemade wolf mask. It has brown fur, yellow eyes, and some scars on its eye and muzzle. It it painted with fake blood.

Artist credit: @kittydeathcult


Lone Wolf by SilverAlethia
